How to spend GOLD in training centers
Here is a short description on the training center and how it can be profitable if you use it correctly.
First rule: Upgrade your training centers only when you see the following 45% discount.

When you upgraded your training center try this useful calculator to define your personal strategy. Using this calculator shows the best option for new players is to first upgrade their weights room to level 4, then upgrade their climbing centers to level 4. As you can see using shooting range and special force training centers is acceptable to use only in a case that you upgraded all of them to level 4 and have a 90% discount contract. "If start training contract later in day can get 31 days of training discounts - just need to train on 31st day before the contract expires". [what4]
The equation that calculate is based on daily income or expense:
I developed a spreadsheet before finding this calculator and it is correct.
You gain (TC1L)x(5)+(TC2L)x(2.5)+(TC3L)x(5)+(TC4L)x(10)=A daily strength, where TC#L is the level of your # training center.
You will gain 5 Gold for each 250 strength from super soldier medal, which will happen every D = (250/A) days. Therefore you will gain GIN= (5/D) = (5*A/250) = (A/50) every day.
Your gold expense for training center will be GEXTC= TC1(ON/Off)x(0)+TC2(ON/Off)x(0.19)+TC3(ON/Off)x(0.89)+TC4(ON/Off)x(1.79).
Your expense for buying the training discount will be : GTD(50/90)= (25/30) for 50% or (53/30) for 90% discount contract.
Applying the discount to your daily gold expense for training will be GEXP=( 0.5x GEXTC ) for 50% or ( 0.1x GEXTC ) for 90% discount contract.
Your total gold balance can be calculated after subtracting your daily gold income from super soldier medal from your daily gold expenditure on your training grounds: Gold_balance = GIN-GEXP. If your balance is positive you will earn gold otherwise you need other resources to cover your gold expenditure.
This game is based on using gold wisely and being patient. Collect all your gold and wait for the discounts and training discount contracts. Please note that the training discount contract are effective only after upgrading all of your training ground so ignore it until you upgraded all of your training centers to level 4. "If you are not using your Special Forces Center, i.e. the 1.79g Training Ground, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, waste your gold buying a training contract. Due to the upfront cost of the Training Contract, over a 30 day period, you lose significantly more gold with the contract than you would without it." [Savage Watson]
Also, if for some reason, your ONLY training in the Free TC and the Special Forces Center, then, either go with a 50% Contract, or no contract at all, the SFC Only with 50% TC is only like 2 gold less spent per 30 days.
The best suggestion for new players is to register in AWESOME HAMMER program sponsored by the SHIELD MU , which provides 0.5 gold every day + 1.5 gold every week after completing objective programs. This program is currently the best option for the new players with strength less than 21000.
For other programs please read my previous article.
Hope this short guide can help you to manage your gold expenditure effectively and become strong ASAP.
Please feel free to send me message if you have any question, suggestion or advise.

When you upgraded your training center try this useful calculator to define your personal strategy. Using this calculator shows the best option for new players is to first upgrade their weights room to level 4, then upgrade their climbing centers to level 4. As you can see using shooting range and special force training centers is acceptable to use only in a case that you upgraded all of them to level 4 and have a 90% discount contract. "If start training contract later in day can get 31 days of training discounts - just need to train on 31st day before the contract expires". [what4]

The equation that calculate is based on daily income or expense:
I developed a spreadsheet before finding this calculator and it is correct.
You gain (TC1L)x(5)+(TC2L)x(2.5)+(TC3L)x(5)+(TC4L)x(10)=A daily strength, where TC#L is the level of your # training center.
You will gain 5 Gold for each 250 strength from super soldier medal, which will happen every D = (250/A) days. Therefore you will gain GIN= (5/D) = (5*A/250) = (A/50) every day.
Your gold expense for training center will be GEXTC= TC1(ON/Off)x(0)+TC2(ON/Off)x(0.19)+TC3(ON/Off)x(0.89)+TC4(ON/Off)x(1.79).
Your expense for buying the training discount will be : GTD(50/90)= (25/30) for 50% or (53/30) for 90% discount contract.
Applying the discount to your daily gold expense for training will be GEXP=( 0.5x GEXTC ) for 50% or ( 0.1x GEXTC ) for 90% discount contract.
Your total gold balance can be calculated after subtracting your daily gold income from super soldier medal from your daily gold expenditure on your training grounds: Gold_balance = GIN-GEXP. If your balance is positive you will earn gold otherwise you need other resources to cover your gold expenditure.
This game is based on using gold wisely and being patient. Collect all your gold and wait for the discounts and training discount contracts. Please note that the training discount contract are effective only after upgrading all of your training ground so ignore it until you upgraded all of your training centers to level 4. "If you are not using your Special Forces Center, i.e. the 1.79g Training Ground, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, waste your gold buying a training contract. Due to the upfront cost of the Training Contract, over a 30 day period, you lose significantly more gold with the contract than you would without it." [Savage Watson]
Also, if for some reason, your ONLY training in the Free TC and the Special Forces Center, then, either go with a 50% Contract, or no contract at all, the SFC Only with 50% TC is only like 2 gold less spent per 30 days.
The best suggestion for new players is to register in AWESOME HAMMER program sponsored by the SHIELD MU , which provides 0.5 gold every day + 1.5 gold every week after completing objective programs. This program is currently the best option for the new players with strength less than 21000.
For other programs please read my previous article.
Hope this short guide can help you to manage your gold expenditure effectively and become strong ASAP.
Please feel free to send me message if you have any question, suggestion or advise.