Guide For Jurnalism
First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, and teams and to all party president and to switzerland citizen
This article is a guide for Jurnalism in general, i hope you will enjoy this artilce,

Perhaps you have seen a lot of cool articles in the media and would like to know how to do the same? Then you have found the right guide! In here I will show you how to write professional articles with all features available in eRepublik.
How to make a Newspaper?
Create your Newspaper
If you don't have a newspaper, you must first create one, go to My Place and click Newspaper.

Note that you must have 2 gold in your account in order to create a newspaper. Then choose a name and upload an image that you think will suit your newspaper.

After that you are done and you can start writing your first article!
How to make an article?
Newspaper articles serve as one of the main forms of communication in eRepublik.
Citizens and organizations can create articles if they own a newspaper. however writers must pay close attention to the Rules, especially what constitutes spam as listed in the Rules Addendum.
Enter a Title
Articles cannot be published without a title. An effective title can bring many readers to your article; an unattractive one can make them ignore it.

Formating an article
Write your content in the space provided. You can change the size of the article content space by grabbing from the bottom bar of the editor with your mouse and dragging it to size you want. You can put Images, and give many formats, to the tipography.
At the top of article editor you see a line of buttons which provide you some styling methods. To add a style tag you need to select the text in which you want the style to be added.

After you have written your article, you will need to choose a category of six (First Steps of eRepublik, Battle orders, Warfare analysis, Political debates and analysis, Financial business and Social interactions and entertainment). If you put your article in the incorrect category, Moderators may change your article into the correct category. Once you have chosen a Category, you will be able to publish your article.

Review your article one more time and then click "Publish". Publish Button . The article will be published in your citizenship country. Remember to check your article later to read and respond to your reader's comments!

Everything we do as Reuters journalists has to be independent, free from bias and executed with the utmost integrity. These are our core values and stem from the Reuters Trust Principles. As a real-time, competitive news service whose reputation rests on reliability, we also value accuracy, speed and exclusivity. The way in which we, as Reuters employees, live these values is governed by the Reuters Code of Conduct. That code, with a few notable exceptions that apply specifically to journalists, governs the behaviour of all Reuters employees and is essential reading. As journalists, however, we have additional responsibilities if we are to fulfil the highest aspirations of our profession – to search for and report the truth, fairly, honestly and unfailingly.