Guide : National Economic
This article is a guide for National Economic, i hope you will enjoy this artilce,
Country resources
This is a list of resources country owns. Resources are:

Tax Revenue

Countries can gain additional tax income from the regions they have conquered. The amount of currency collected through taxes is updated in real time both in the country treasury and in the Tax Revenue chart.
The taxes of country under partial or total occupation are divided between the occupying countries and the country that is occupied. The taxes are affected by the number of regions each country holds.
The taxes included in the calculations are:
1. Import tax
2. VAT (Value Added Tax)
3. Work tax

The total income of a country (TCI) is the sum of PCI’s calculated for the original and non-original regions the country possesses.
For example, Finland controls a part of its original regions, but has also occupied regions from Greece and Belarus. Finland’s TCI will be: TCI = PCI(Finland) + PCI (Greece) + PCI (Belarus)
Please note: that even if a country has 0 regions, the base income is still 20%.

Every country has a treasury in which you can find total amount of Gold, national currency and energy which country gathers with different incomes.
The treasury information is displayed on the Economy screen.

Starting from Day 2,366, citizens are provided again the chance to donate money or gold to countries; in order to perform any kind of donations, they have to be at least level 25.
Minimum donation conditions are listed below:
1. minimum Gold donation = 1 Gold;
2. minimum Currency donation = 20 Currency;
3. minimum Food donation = 5 Food items.

Trade Trade embargo
The trade embargo section lists the embargoed country name, and flag, expiration date.

The tax section lists for each manufactured product and raw material:
1. Work Tax
2. Import Tax
3. Value Added Tax (VAT)
The VAT is only added on manufactured goods.

Minimum salary (voted by the congress)
Average (the average salary based on the last 30 days paid salaries in the country)